Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Rules

During the month at my dads over this summer, one of the first this we covered was rules and boundaries =/. My dads like you have to be off all electronical devices (except tv and ipod) at 12 midnight. So im okay with that rule, but its like the other rules that hes given me. Like the following:
1: I have to go to the YMCA everyday for 2hrs Monday-Friday (Lame)
They (my step mom and dad) have my grandmother watching out for me and my step brother making sure we go there. Like, if i wanted to get skin cancer and die, then id volenteer, but im not so i dont understand why they are making us.
2: No sleeping in the living room.
It has the biggest tv in the house and the couch is really comfortable.
3: I have to visit my grandmother for at least 30mins each day
Dont get meh wrong or anything, i love my grandmother to DEATH, but i hate how she is always telling me about her religion (Christian, i think) and trying to push it on me. Telling me how like im going to go straight to hell just because im Bi and because i listen to "devil music". And she like invites me to go to church and like with that i also have nothing against it, its just not my thing. I hate having to lie to her and say "oh my dad wants me to stay home tonight" just because i dont believe in God.

But those are basically all the rules that i think are pretty queer. But there is 10 rules in all so i guess 3/10 isnt so bad, I'll live.

So that is really that i can think of.
Love you all.
Including Dusty - hearts you

Talk to you guys laters :]
- Kitty Kitty Candy Raver

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